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Warrior /




COMPLETED 2018 & 2021

Nathan Jenkins - Profile Image

What were you fighting for? What was your ‘why’?

"I always had a tendency to quit things when the going got tough. I started the program back in 2018 with the one goal of seeing it through to the end regardless of how hard things got which I did (even though there were definitely times I thought about quitting.. usually mid way through a conditioning session). In the time between day 1 and finale I felt like I gained so much in terms of my own personal identity and gained so many valuable friendships. I had a love/hate relationship with every minute of the program and that’s why I couldn’t wait to do it all over again!"

What did you get out of the program physically?

"I was always someone of a relatively good fitness level due to work requirements but I still managed to lose 13kgs between try outs and fight weigh in. I also gained the type of conditioning strength that can’t be gained in conventional gym doing conventional exercise."

What were some of the mental and emotional outcomes you experienced?

"I came to learn that the old cliche of being your own worst enemy was right. I also learnt how liberating and fantastic it feels to overcome those feelings of telling yourself your exhausted and that you can’t finish but then persevering and finding out what your body is truely capable of is a really amazing experience. I also learnt the value of having an amazing team of people around you. Those times where you wanna quit and you look around the room at everyone else knowing full well their experiencing the same pain and thoughts of quitting you are. And without each other around you would almost definitely quit but then someone yells from across the room and it pushes you to wanna go harder for everyone around you who’s feeling the same pain."

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If you truly want the ultimate life changing experience and your willing to tough out the hard work then click the button and turn up every single day
Image of Amy Reid

What did you learn about yourself?

"I don’t quit!"

Did Warrior Training lead to any long term changes in your life, and if so what were they?

"I think there’s something that’s learnt about yourself when you put yourself in potentially one of the most confronting situations possible, of spending 20 weeks learning a multitude of new skills then hopping in a cage to fight someone who you’ve been training alongside for the best part of 6 months in front of friends and family. But I think after doing that and getting through everything you did to get to that point then that’s when you have the realisation that you really are capable of anything."

What would you say to someone thinking about starting the Warrior Training Program?

"Every single step from clicking the submission enquiry through to stepping in cage on finale night will feel so far out of your depth and be scary as hell but if you TRUELY want the ultimate life changing experience and your willing to tough out the hard work then click the button and turn up every single day. And let the amazing group of coaches and your team mates help you through what will for sure be the best experience of your life."

Nathan Jenkins - Profile Image
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If you truly want the ultimate life changing experience and your willing to tough out the hard work then click the button and turn up every single day
Image of Amy Reid
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