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What were you fighting for? What was your ‘why’?

"My warrior journey starts 5 months after a serious knee surgery that left me both physically and mentally in a very bad shape. Also through out the pandemic my daughters mental health went very bad, every day was like a battle with selfharm, suicide thoughts etc. I needed to find something that will help get back on my feet so I could be able to help my daughter also. My kids have only me, I'm the mum and dad so needed to be there and show them that you can fight all you demons no matter what. I was loosing myself and I really didn't like the way I was felling, overweight, overwhelmed by life in general I felt like Warrior Training is my last chance to get out and fight for myself."

What did you get out of the program physically?

"I got myself back. This happy, confident and strong woman came back and I absolutely love it. I lost weight, I built up the strength in my knee. I reminded myself that my body has no limits."

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I lost 16kg and I gained life lasting friendships. I got myself back. It changed my mindset completely.
Image of Amy Reid

What were some of the mental and emotional outcomes you experienced?

"I can't imagine now to stop training. My head has never been this straight. I have the power to deal with all the problems that life throws at me. Most importantly I have the strength to help my daughter with her struggle's. I'm confident, I know that I deserve better and I will never lower my expectations and needs."

What did you learn about yourself?

"I learnt a lot about myself. I know that no matter what, I will not give up. I can trust myself. I can push myself whatever the limits are. I feel good being uncomfortable, I don't run from it anymore."

Did Warrior Training lead to any long term changes in your life, and if so what were they?

"I lost 16kg and I gained life lasting friendships. I got myself back. It changed my mindset completely. I know much better now what's important for me and what I need to focus on."

What would you say to someone thinking about starting the Warrior Training Program?

"I would say go do this and don't even think twice of it. If you don't you will never know yourself truly and you will regret that."

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I lost 16kg and I gained life lasting friendships. I got myself back. It changed my mindset completely.
Image of Amy Reid
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