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Jay Green - Profile Image 524x699

What were you fighting for? What was your ‘why’?

"I've been signed up to W2W for the last 3 years but never had the balls to do it. Then one day this year my stepdad died so I took this on when rebranded to Alta as a form of therapy. I hated the idea of getting counselling and having no aftercare. This programme gave me that and made friends for life. I was very academic and had a sporting background with previous boxing bouts before but lost my way over the years with demons of my own such as my dad leaving us, lack of career success and being under-appreciated. I turned to alcohol and binge ate to the point where years ago I got to 21 stone on the verge of death. I was very suicidal and attempted 9 attempts but would always have something stopping me from going through with it. I realised that life is too short and was also working in an industry which I hated so I left for a better job and loved it. At the time it was a dream."

What did you get out of the program physically?

"I learnt some new skills away from just boxing and see how artistic the sport is. It is fantastic cardio especially the wrestling and constant work on the floor. I've never been technically minded so this was a challenge for me which I enjoyed. I wouldn't say I lost much weight but I got in better shape and fitter at a time where I lost my stepdad and blew up again. I realise the value of some of my strengths and understand the need to work on my weakness such as submissions and stamina."

What were some of the mental and emotional outcomes you experienced?

"Lots.. I can't even begin to explain how much this took out of me. I'm not sure doing this programme after my stepdad died was the best thing as I had to juggle demons throughout. Towards the end of the programme I also saw my uncle have a heart attack and I actually got made redundant. I have not much family left and 2 relatives I lived with weren't that supportive of me doing this programme so it was hard to explain me leaving to go train at 5am and even going out in the evening for extra work."

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What did you learn about yourself?

"I've learnt that my life isn't over and I still have something to give. There has been times where I've felt like a rotting vegetable and completely useless. I saw in my own experience that there is some fire left in me but I need to definitely work on myself mentally. I am still completely broken emotionally and the fight was 3 days ago. I'm still deflated by the loss (I guess it shows my competitiveness) so when I go and return to therapy I will be in a much better state of mind and the action to attend will be easier. This programme has given me some confidence in myself where I felt like I had nothing of value before."

Did Warrior Training lead to any long term changes in your life, and if so what were they?

"It shows I guess that we are all human and life does get in the way but I was able to attend in the mornings and travel nearly 2 hours to train Monday to Friday and also go to my own gym for extra work. It shows that when I'm dedicated to something enough I can see it through. Of course.. Like I said there were times where I did miss training due to things out of my control and even just my own demons. But we are all human and if we can accept how we are as individuals then it becomes a lot easier."

What would you say to someone thinking about starting the Warrior Training Program?

"Take the plunge and do it. I'd recommend you pay it off in one go cos it can be random seeing weekly payments coming out of your bank account. You won't regret doing it but find a gym where they've previously had a big group doing it. We only had 5 people in our gym."

Jay Green - Profile Image 524x699
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Image of Amy Reid
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